Episode 80 – Where Is Gurley

The Hip and the Lip “softly crescendo” into their recap of the “dull, boring” Americanized spectacle that was the STATE OF THE UNION (oh and the football game too).  The guys touch on the offensive futility of the Rams and their “AWFUL” QB, but they cannot contain their flabbergast in asking the question WHERE WAS GURLEY?!?! The boys use their “talents” to extend their recap of the uneventful game with several mind boggling and record breaking hipster stats including the historic ovah / undah differential!  The Lip makes light and pokes fun at “Rams Nation” while the Hip unwittingly reveals his delight with the “start” of the Halftime Show.  The boys begin their post football “dog days of February” with the “best team in NY” and the Lip gives his kudos to one unsung Islander while offering a stern warning to a former punching bag reverting back to his old ways.  The duo gloss over the pathetic Knicks as the Hip reveals he was completely WGAS towards to the trade of KP….but cannot curb his enthusiasm towards the imminent return of baseball!  The Lip launches a preemptive strike against the NL “purists” with the proposed DH rule change, and the boys debate the proposed “batter minimum” rule for a new pitcher.  The HMOZ features a very familiar subject (and voice) but also implores the audience to visit twittah handle @backaftathis for a truly “turgid” experience. 

Hipster Beer of the Week:  Bissell Brothers – The Substance